INN-ACTA is a SME specialized in managing European Commission (EC) funded projects with many years of experience from several European Framework Programmes, including collaborative projects in Health Programmes, RIA, CSA, IMI projects, as well as Marie Curie Actions. INN-ACTA’s expertise ranges from grants management (administrative tasks, compilation of high-quality reports, communications to EC) to communication activities (e.g. printed materials, flyers, brochures, newsletters, project websites, videos), training activities, organization of project meetings, conferences, workshops and project events. INN-ACTA’s support is provided to EU project coordinators and consortia, as partner of the consortium, partner organization or associated partner.
Dr. Laura Maccari, Grant manager for INN-ACTA has scientific and managerial background gained from >15 years’ experience in biotech companies. She is a specialist in the management of EC funded grants. In T-FITNESS, she will be responsible for supporting the coordinator and the consortium in the management of administrative tasks of the project and communication activities. She will be joined by Natascia Cannella – specialist in administration, financing, project management, Simona Farnetani – event manager supporting meeting organization, and the IT team to develop the project website.

Grant Manager

Sole Administrator

Event Manager