• The problem. Worldwide, an estimated 28.4 million new cancer cases are projected to occur in 2040, posing a considerable challenge to our society, science/technology and economy.
  • The need. Immunotherapies, which target cancer cells by harnessing immune system components, are revolutionizing medical oncology. However, while these treatment modalities have demonstrated remarkable activities against hematologic malignancies, their efficacy against solid tumors remains limited.
  • The solution. After early success of immune checkpoint inhibitors, T cell-based immunotherapy has emerged as an additional innovative potent arm. In this context, T-FITNESS will pursue a transformational approach to provide radical innovation in T cell therapies of solid tumors.


1 September 2022


48 Months


€ 3.789.472


7 Partners

Latest News

We welcome Teresa at FRCB-IDIBAPS

With more than 10 years of experience in molecular research, particularly in the field of solid tumors. Teresa will contribute with her scientific and bioinformatic expertise to support immunotherapy... read more →

Welcome aboard to Ida

Ida Pelosi is a PhD student in Synthetic and Systems Biology in Velia Siciliano's lab. For the T-FITNESS project, her efforts will be focused on the generation of CD8+... read more →

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